Friday, March 28, 2008

Letter 15

The reason why I decided to write about this letter is because it confused me the most and I would like to understand it. If there is anyone that can clarify this letter or correct me, I will appreciate it. I understood that it is ideal for satan for us as humans to live in the future, to think about the future, and be concerned about the future. God (the enemy in this chapter) wants for us to live in the present. Living in the present we are grateful for current pleasures, we meditate, we are in touch with God, and we are also concerned about our union with God when the end comes. Thinking about the future brings hope and fear, the enemy wants a whole race concerned about the rainbows end.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Screwtape Letter 8

From what I understood from this letter (correct me if i am wrong), Wormwood's uncle is talking about how crucial human temptations and weaknesses are for the enemy. All it takes is for the patient to reach one of those peaks and get a little taste, the enemy withdraws, and allows for the patient to stand on his own meaning that he will choose to remain in that state. He also talks about how God created creatures who are replicas of himself, unlike the enemy likes distinct creatures. I guess that in certain situations, as humans, when encountered with a devastating situation where we weaken can be damaging. We become hungry and temptations will become our first escape. That is all that the enemy is waiting for, for the patient to have that little taste. He also talked about how even after the patient doesn't want to be on their side anymore, as long as he is there is all that matters. That reminded me of many people who attempt to stop certain destructive habits, to stop sinning, etc. find themselves in a loop hole because wanting to stop isn't enough. It takes lots of courage and will, which many lack.