Thursday, February 28, 2008

Letter 4

I must agree with what was being discussed about prayer in this fourth letter. When C.S. Lewis was talking about the fact that sometimes what the patient calls "GOD" is located on a bedroom corner or inside the patients head. What I took from this was that we pray to an object that God himself made and not who made us. I guess we sometimes tend to forget the meaning of prayer and I feel that sometimes we ask for unrealistic things through prayer, rather than focusing on the spirituality of it and its meaning. I believe that we all get through our prayers in our own individual way and I do not know what the correct way to pray is, but I know that I am comfortable with my prayers. At this point of my life I have learned that I shouldn't get close to "GOD" through a prayer only when I want to ask for something. I have learned to concentrate and somehow talk to God. When I was young I was taught to get on my knees and put my hands together. When I was a kid I really didn't ask for anything specific in my prayers, my mom would have me recite "Our Heavenly Father" and another prayer, I don't recall its name but it was to a Gurdian Angel. Now I realize how important it is that when you pray you concentrate and give your full attention to God.

1 comment:

bbeanerbbear said...

I had a really hard time understanding chapter 4. it wasn't even nearly as what you got, but i guess it's nice to hear a diff. point of view. It's a good thought you have because it is true what you said about us praying about unrealistic things. Sometimes we think that just because we pray to God, it will come true. I guess somethings just happen, for good or for bad????