Friday, March 28, 2008

Letter 15

The reason why I decided to write about this letter is because it confused me the most and I would like to understand it. If there is anyone that can clarify this letter or correct me, I will appreciate it. I understood that it is ideal for satan for us as humans to live in the future, to think about the future, and be concerned about the future. God (the enemy in this chapter) wants for us to live in the present. Living in the present we are grateful for current pleasures, we meditate, we are in touch with God, and we are also concerned about our union with God when the end comes. Thinking about the future brings hope and fear, the enemy wants a whole race concerned about the rainbows end.


Tylor said...

I feel that one of the main points and big issues in chapter 15 was that when thinking about the future, people often wonder exactly what it may hold for them, and they kind of fear not knowing what is to come. By constantly worrying about what will happen next and what is going to come, people forget to enjoy themselves and be thankful for what they do have. In this manner, thinking about the future lets people kind of be more selfish, always looking for something more or something extra; in this regard, this drives one away from God and faith.

Alethea Van Buren said...

chapter 15:
Satan or Screwtape likes to use anything that God ordains as good by throwing it into the extreme. So, if you are hoping for the future, he will try to make you fixated on it. Then, you will lose sight of the now to where you are not currently doing the things that God wants you to such as, praising Him, thanking Him, being grateful for what you have, and continuously giving. This is how he leads you astray, through distraction to get you disappointed and impatient where you will give up on God and what He wants you to do completely. If you are seeking God for the direction, then trust Him and face your fear with faith. Your future and eternity are already secured when you remain obedient to God because He makes sure of it.

Kacy said...

I was confused as well during this letter which is why I chose not to write about it in my blog. The other comments helped to clarify what was being talked about so I'm glad someone was just as confused as I was. I agree with the comments that say that focusing on the future makes a person forget the pleasures that go along with God and therefore, people lose faith because nothing seems real.

DANNY'S BLOG said...

Chapter 15 had many interesting points. Maybe one of them I can talk about is the idea of the past present and future. Screw tape talks about being consumed in the past and not living for the future or the eternal. The devil as screwtape points out wants to make sure you are not concerned with the present or the eternal rather consumed with fear of the past and future.