Monday, May 12, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

Temptation is big in this section! I agree with what screwtape had to say about temptation. I think that temptation can knock anyone out of their path to goodness. I agree that what you surround yourself with is what you are. When I was reading this, it reminded me of my parents, they have always said that to me. They also said to me before" tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are". As I have been growing up and maturing, I have found that I have been surrounding myself by different things, not necessarily surrounding myself with different people, but excluding certain people from my environment. I remember telling my parents that wasn't true, that no matter what others were like or what they did, I am my own person that is it. Unconsciously, I have managed to slowly change my surroundings.


I was a bit confused when Screwtape stated that he substitutes the negative selfishness with the positive charity of the enemy. It took me a bit to be able to figure out what he meant by this. I think that the enemy just wants to confuse others in that matter and gain from the confusion. I think that more than sympathetic we should be able to empathise with others. Feeling sorry for someone is different from understanding what they are feeling or going through, or at least wanting to understand. I think that even people who think that they are good go around saying that they feel sorry for people but only do it to keep their reputation of being a good person. When someone truly cares and truly wants to help, it isn't necessary to make it known to the world that you have done something good. God knows it, and that is all that matters.